The way of the sacred feminine is about joining things that were never meant to be apart: the mind and body, our power and our vulnerability, the self and the other, our sense of the realness of right here, and the vastness and mystery of the unknown.

Who We Are

Sacred Feminine was created in 2018 by Lisa Gungor and Dr. Hillary McBride. It started as a series of retreats for woman-identifying people when Lisa and Hillary both connected over the longing to create empowering and enlivening spaces with other women and has now grown to include retreats for man-identifying people as well.

The purpose of this work is to undo the burdens of patriarchal and colonial traditions, renegotiate the relationship with our bodies, redistribute the power in relationships, all while staying in touch with the play of life. The work of Sacred Feminine is currently expressed via retreats and embodiment workshops.

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    Lisa Gungor

    A Grammy-nominated music artist and author. Lisa produces music with Gungor and Isa Ma. She is the author of The Most Beautiful Thing I've Seen. Lisa holds a Bachelor’s from Kendall College of Art and Design and a 200 Hour YTT certificate from Aura Wellness Center.
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    Hilary McBride

    A therapist, researcher, speaker, and author. Hillary holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of British Columbia, and a Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology. She is a registered clinical counsellor (RCC). She is the author of Mothers, Daughters & Body Image.

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